Month: February 2013

  • Panic Attacks

    I was watching a Youtube video by a guy who also talked about how he got panic attacks when I suddenly remembered some of the times I got my panic attacks. The earliest one that I could remember was when I was in fourth grade, when I was participating in a group discussion. Most of the other times it happened was in random places, like grocery store lines. Although it’s an “attack,” I’d say that (for me at least) the build-up to a full blown panic attack is usually gradual, starting with a slight sense of being unnerved to extreme anxiety, in which I can’t look up from the ground for fear of shaking or falling down. It’s very weird because I never knew about panic attacks until I was in my 20′s, and by then, I had self-medicated with a bunch of random benzos I’d leeched off of friends or family members. Eventually I was diagnosed by my doctor and given proper prescriptions, but you never quite shake the memory of having a panic attack. It’s the weirdest feeling ever. I get nervous about a lot of things: tests (midterms and finals in particular), first dates, interviews, rollercoasters…but none of these things, despite being in reality much scarier than, say, a grocery line, evokes the same kind of reaction or physical response as a panic attack. I get light headed, my breathing becomes shallow, and I start to sweat and feel scared.

    My house is filled with flowers. Steven always gives me so many roses and I never know what to do with them (besides keep them in a vase with water until they die). Today I decided to plant two of the stems in my backyard. I noticed that one of them was already budding in the vase, so I was like Hah! and whack, I stuck it in the dirt. Hopefully it will grow. If I grow all of the flowers Steven gives me, I’ll have a whole backyard full of roses in no time!

  • Valentine’s Day and other stuff

    I had a very nice valentines day and then Steven took me on this sunset cruise which took 1 and a half hours to complete.

    There were some really drunk and possibly high (off of pills like vicodin) white people who sat with us at our table towards the end of the boat ride. They were really loud and obnoxious, and at some point started singing very loudly. I was really put off by their behavior. Although I know it’s bad to generalize, I always find myself thinking “how typical it is for these people to behave this way” – then I feel that I shouldn’t have had these thoughts at all. Perhaps it was because I had partially goaded Steven into giving an uncomfortable though marvelous rendition of Sinatra’s fly with me song. He has a wonderful voice and I wish he’d sing more often in public. I often imagine that he could be a star at some jazz club someday. However, I felt guilty afterwards for prostrating him for these unappreciative drunkards, and that perhaps I had done so was because I unconsciously felt that because they were white, we were obliged to please them. I don’t know- maybe I am over thinking the situation, but when I had that realization, I felt ashamed of my actions.

  • Lol

    It’s not okay to be racist, but this is funny:

  • Sometimes I just feel so irritated with everything.

  • Thoughts on Christopher Dorner

    On Sunday night, before we left to come back to my house, Steven and I saw a bunch of police gathered around the apartment complex across from his place in Irvine. I thought it had something to do with the car that had recently been stolen from Steven’s apartment, but it turned out that there was a couple found dead in a vehicle in the complex across from his. It turns out that the couple shot dead was the daughter of an ex-police chief and her fiancé.

    It’s weird, but that little incident, which was weird because it happened in a really safe and well to do neighborhood, became connected to a series of other incidents this week including the shooting and murders of some police. Today we found out that the guy responsible for all of this is a guy named Christopher Dorner.

    The link shows you his manifesto. He basically wrote a mini book talking about why he is doing what he is doing. I would sympathize with him, but it’s not right to kill people just because you are angry at them. He needed therapy, but unfortunately, no one helped him. When I read his manifesto, I see parallels of my own monsters and demons inside of me, yearning to break out and destroy everything. But I know it’s not right- ultimately the world can rape and pillage a person, stripping them of all of their rights and happiness, but you have to remain a better person and believe that someone higher above will be the ultimate judge of what happens on earth. As much as it would make me satisfied to take out a shotgun and blow the brains out of every douchebag who drives recklessly on the freeway cutting me off or tailgating everyone, I know that the immediate satisfaction of doing so could lead to long and possibly lifetime guilt. Is it worth it? No.

    I do feel for Dorner, and I hope that he and his victims and their families will find their peace.